
The NWN Carousel Texas sales team, in partnership with our leading cybersecurity partner Proficio, cordially invites you to join us for an exclusive networking event. Experience a new generation of Texas BBQ from top pitmasters, and connect with industry leaders and peers in a relaxed and engaging setting.

  • Backyard Pitmasters, the nation’s leading BBQ Pitmaster, will be putting on show and feast.
  • Indoor Frost Brewing where it’s always nice and cold.
  • Class type setting where the pit masters demonstrate and provide tips to smoke and grill the perfect BBQ
  • If the weather permits, you’ll get to view and understand a world class portable BBQ pit.
  • Lunch of the brisket and ribs will be served after the BBQ education.
  • NWN Carousel and Proficio will discuss the value of a their security and network operations services.