
From universities to K-12 schools, technology plays a critical role in keeping our students safe. While many schools have advanced to meet the latest in safety laws — some districts still struggle. 

How can we implement a comprehensive technology plan that proactively prevents, and effectively responds, to any emergency situation?  

Special guest, Hank Hunt, the inspiration behind Kari’s law and founder of the Kari Hunt Foundation will join us to discuss school safety solutions and advocate for legislation to keep our children safe. 

In this crucial discussion, we’ll also be joined by Mark Fletcher, a renowned advocate of public safety from 911inform, and Alvaro Riera, an industry expert in Unified Communications from NWN Carousel. Together, they will explore the latest advancements in technology for school security. 

Attend to learn about: 

  • Access controls, visitor management & mass notification systems 
  • Meeting mandates with ease: Alyssa’s Law, RAY BAUM’s Act, and Kari’s Law 
  • Leveraging existing legacy technologies, saving significant costs 
  • Secure by design with integrated devices & wireless infrastructure  



  • K–12 Superintendents and Business Admins 
  • School District IT Professionals 
  • School Safety and Security Professionals 
  • Higher Education Administrators 
  • Public Safety officials
  • Public Safety Answering Points (PSAP)
  • City and County 911 Dispatchers

Stay tuned for further details on our upcoming webinar in the school safety series, “Tapping into Billions of High-Tech Funding” with Andrew Henshaw from Learn Design Apply. 

Attend our school safety webinar series, and NWN Carousel will contribute $25 per webinar attended as well as another $25 dollars when you book a follow up conversation. Register now to make a difference!