Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

  1. Who can use the CALNET Statewide Contracts?
    State Entities are automatically eligible to use the CALNET Statewide Contracts and can order products and services. Non-State entities are required to self-certify their organization meets the CALNET eligibility criteria by completing a Non-State entity Participating Agreement (NESPA). Non-state entities that do not meet at least one of the criteria below qualifications will not be able to procure services using the CALNET services contracts.

Authorized Eligibility Criteria:

    • Local government entities are defined as “any city, county, city and county, district or other governmental body empowered to expend public funds for the acquisition of goods”.
    • Entirely 100% tax-supported entity
    • A governmental entity with a Joint Powers Agreement (JPA)
    • Federally-recognized Indian Tribe

Once registered, non-state entities can sign up for a specific contract by completing an Authorization to Order agreement (ATO) located at:    https://cdt.ca.gov/services/calnet-ordering/.

  1. Why Use the CALNET Statewide Contracts?
    CALNET Contracts provide robust, reliable, and high availability telecommunications services at special rates. CALNET offers awarded contractors a larger customer base than any other qualified government purchasing vehicle in California, which encourages contractors to offer better services at lower pricing and more favorable terms, conditions, and Service Level Agreements (SLAs). CALNET benefits:
  • Cost-effective, reliable services
  • Competitively bid (Eliminates individual customer procurement costs and risks.)
  • Industry-standard or better Service Level Agreements
  • Excellent customer support
  • No term commitment for standard catalog priced services
  1. Where can I find CALNET Services?
    CALNET services can be found at: https://cdt.ca.gov/services/calnet-services/.
  1. How do I order CALNET services?
    CALNET User Ordering Instructions can be found at: https://cdt.ca.gov/services/calnet- ordering/.
  1. Where can I find information about Service Level Agreements (SLA)?
    SLAs for each Service Category can be found at each contractor’s website. Links to each contractor’s site can be found at: https://cdt.ca.gov/services/calnet-services/ (see the CALNET Contractors section of the page).
  1. Who do I contact if I have issues with CALNET services?
    Each vendor has a documented escalation process. Contact the vendor escalation individual(s) listed on the vendor website. Link to the vendor website is at: https://cdt.ca.gov/services/calnet-services/
  1. Who do I contact for CALNET Program Inquiries?
    CALNET Customer Service Line: (916) 657-9150 CALNEThelp@state.ca.gov
  1. Who do I contact for CALNET Billing and Invoicing questions?
    Send all billing and invoice questions and issues to CIO CALNET Billing at: CIOCALNETBILLING@state.ca.gov.
  1. Where can I find CALNET News and Notifications?
    Notifications can be found on the CALNET website at: https://cdt.ca.gov/services/bb-calnet/.
  1. Where can I find CALNET Tech Alerts?
    Tech Alerts can be found on the CDT website at: https://cdt.ca.gov/tech-alerts/
  1. How do I disconnect/terminate CALNET services?
    Submit Form 20 or Std. 65 to service provider.
  1. What is the process to become a CALNET vendor?
    Contact the CDT Statewide Procurement at: technologyprocurements@state.ca.gov.