Connected devices pose a serious challenge to network security these days. Is your organization ready to tackle the threat that connected devices create? I wanted to explore this topic further which is why I reached out to an expert in this field.
Jeff Horne is the Chief Security Officer at Ordr and since Ordr is a platform that creates connected device visibility within organizations, I knew he was exactly who I wanted to speak to about this challenge that many organizations increasingly face.
Join us for this discussion about the challenges organizations have with the management, security, and privacy of IOT and connected devices.
We all know the challenges that connected devices pose to our organizations’ security. They have slowly infiltrated our networks over the years. Nowadays everyone has a smart watch, camera, Alexa, or even a Tesla. It’s important to bring context and visibility to the security platform. Visibility is so important since you can’t protect what you don’t know about. Gaining visibility is a huge benefit to security teams. This is where Ordr comes in.
What does Ordr do?
Ordr is a platform that creates connected device visibility within an organization. This includes all connected devices no matter which systems they use. They are able to listen in and build real-time asset inventory systems. In addition, Ordr matures preexisting asset management systems down to the firmware level. Ordr discovers devices as they enter the network and it can even monitor the communications back and forth with one another. The beauty of Ordr is that they can scan the network in a passive way.
One of the reasons that we are facing these challenges is that there are so many devices on our networks. Think about all the tvs and coffee makers and every other smart device that even small organizations have. Healthcare facilities have larger, more complex machines that must stick around for years even when their systems can’t be updated and are out of date.
Manufacturers lack the resources and the incentive to build secure devices. They are always trying to create their next-generation product line to put out the newest device. The device manufacturers don’t have a solid security background. They do things incorrectly causing these things to have an extremely short lifespan. These gadgets are risky and cause our networks to become vulnerable.
Find out what your organization can be doing to work with IOT to ensure network security. Check out this episode of Always On with Jeff Horne.