Microsoft Teams Room

Better Together with Microsoft Teams – Austin, TX

Want to learn how to accelerate resolutions and improve customer experiences? Join us for a lunch and learn focused on connecting your organization’s environment with Microsoft Teams. NWN Carousel, and Five9 can all help you create an environment that works for both you and your customers. Communication technology has never been more critical to a […]


Transform Any Room Into an Inclusive Meeting Space

Reshaping the modern workplace in state and local government at the Poly Experience Center here in Austin, TX. The need for hybrid workplace strategies has raised as many questions as it has answered for most organizations. You are invited to join this educational event geared towards showcasing the technology that supports your modern and hybrid […]


Drive-in Movie

NWN Carousel’s 2022 Fall Fest – Plano

NWN Carousel’s Fall Fast is back for 2022!  Gather your family, friends, and favorite customers and partners for a fun night under the stars at Fall Fest . We will be hosting a really cool drive-in movie experience! Who can resist a fun night with friends, food and lots and lots of family fun? Pack […]
